2 min readDec 24, 2021


DECA will be managed by a Foundation

We are pleased to inform you of the next steps for the future of DECA, a decentralized economy based on carbon credits. The development team and investors have made the following decisions.

DECA will be managed by the Decentralized Climate Foundation.

The goal of the Decentralized Climate Foundation is to increase the participation of individuals in climate change actions. According to the DECA team, the best instrument is the voluntary carbon market which is until now controlled by corporations and governments. The DECA team wants to allow individuals to participate in the voluntary carbon market and get a reward for it, the DECA token. By doing this, the Decentralized Climate Foundation is creating a decentralized person-to-person carbon credit market which will be converted in future into a decentralized climate fund where project developers are able to apply with their green and social projects in order to get financed.

The Decentralized Climate Foundation will be in charge of the official management of the DECA smart contract, so the activity will remain public all the time. It will provide liquidity to the decentralized exchange Uniswap. DECA tokens will have the ability to interact with other Ethereum-based technologies in the second half of January 2022.

Thanks for your patience and support over these years.

-The DECA Team 😍🙌




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